9 Jan 2018

First Make of January

So, new year, new challenges. RTW Fast for 2018 - no RTW for myself this year other than accessories, shoes and lingerie. I will still buy kids stuff as they do need special stuff from time to time which I can´t make (like rain/mud outfits).
I´ll do a better job this year with stashbusting - I managed to increase in 2017 - 1st time since I vere started stashbusting.
I also joined a group on FB to sew something every week. 1st week accomplished, this week´s project in progress (well, cut)
So this skirt has been cut since about last summer and laying on the top of my stash. Came out very nice, pattern from Burda 11/2016. 
Using the zig-zag foot seemed to be a much better option this time than using my coverlock´s rolled hem stitch. I sued max stitch length (5mm) with 0.75 stitch distance.

Új év, új kihívások. Idén nem veszek magamnak kész ruhát, csak cipőt, kiegészítőket és fehérneműt. Idén ügyesebb leszek a készleteim menedzselésében, mert 2017-ben sikerült növelnem, először 3 év óta. Elég gáz.
Az első idén készült darab egy szoknya, amit kb. tavaly nyáron szabtam még ki... A széléhez a cikkcakk talpat használtam (5mm öltés, 0.75mm távolság).


  1. Replies
    1. Thx - I really had a hard time figuring out how to put it together not being able to differentiate between right and wrong side. The result however was worth the headache :)
