11 Jun 2019

Weary Morning

Going one morning to the office (one of the offices I need to go regularly) a colleague of mine had a remark about my outfit (and my whole appearance) being too dark. I tried not to hear it. He was persistent and said again later in the day. Even asked why. He was not trying to flirt - I´m almost sure he´s gay - just likes to make these remarks - including calling me young lady even though I have a few years on him (he´s being sarcastic). 
This was the dress I was wearing - I made it back in 2013. That day I had  it on with light grey tights and red shoes. Not sure how much the fact that I had to hit the road before 6am and that we were just back from holiday added to the whole impression - I assume not as much as the dress. It was a beautiful morning.

The coincidence was that the same morning I was thinking the dress is getting a bit old (6ys of service) and I started to see some pilling on the fabric as well. 

So I went to my stash I hoarded lately and picked up the latest Burda. Made this to show off next time in the office.

Pattern is Burda 5/2019. I keep screwing the back, here´s how it looked at the beginning -

And here it is fixed (yes, I had to remove the zipper). Now the patter is also somewhat aligned.

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