19 Apr 2013

Stashbusting April Challenge/Április feladat

The fabric of the dress was one of the first ones I bought after I relocated to Germany. It's been in my stash for about 2 years. Had no idea what it will be back then  but when April Challenge (something very colorful and bright) was announced I knew I will have to use this particular one.
So, it transformed into a summer dress with a waterfall-like front. I also made a top with very similar features using a thin viscose jersey fabric.

Az anyagot az első között vettem miután Németországba költöztem. K. 2 éve. Fogalmam sem volt, mi lesz belőle, de mikor az áprilisi téma (vmi nagyon színes) meg lett hirdetve, tudtam ezt kell most megvarrni. Lett is belőle nyári ruha.

És akor ha már varrtam, elkészült egy felső is, kissé barokkos mintás anyagból.


  1. Nagyon jó lett mind a kettő!!! Szuper az anyag is!
    Szép hétvégét Nektek! :)

  2. Oh, this is just breathtaking! I really like what you've done with the drapiness of the fabric, and those colors are lovely!

    1. Thx Cation :)) Took me a while to find the right pattern for this fabric but it came out really good. Can't wait to actually wear it. This year spring decided to cancel itself so I need to wait until summer :)
